A big part of the DNA of your average Shred band nowadays is inspired by the “Big Dick Lick” Shredders of the 80s. The Satrianis, Gambales and Vais of the world are the usual prototypes of this sound, but even more recently, guitar nerds (myself included) have been smitten by the wave of late 70s/early 80s Japanese Fusion Guitarists, including the race car aesthetics of Cassiopeia and the more laid back attitude of faux-Brasilian Surfer Boy Masayoshi Takanaka – a favorite in the house of Goat. High Octane Sega Genesis Metal.
Read moreDeitus – Irreversible Review
Indeed a lot of metal doesn’t riff anymore. Particularly, Black Metal is very willing to completely drop rhythmic interest a lot of the time and become a thick, soupy soundscape of trebly tremolo and monotonous blast beats. But what about Deitus? Are they too slaves to the anti-riff?
Read morePutridity – Greedy Gory Gluttony Review
BDM as a genre is less of a monolith than most people think and there are nuances, and it is perfectly possible that the style of BDM that Putridity play doesn’t really connect with me all that much. This new EP, Greedy Gory Gluttony, is supposed to be a stroll through the past and showcase some of the best material Putridity have to offer. Not Greedy Gory and Gluttonous enough for this Goat?
Read moreGateway – Galgendood Review
Atmosphere. The way metalheads use the word sends shivers down my spine and immediately, I associate it with lazy, repetitive writing and unnecessary amounts of reverb. Gateway to the atmo-sphere?
Read moreChurch of Misery – Born Under a Mad Sign Review
Church of Misery eschew the drug obsessed and occult lyrics of most stoner acts, instead focusing on serial killers, cult leaders and general psychopathy. It helps color the music. Stoned serial killers
Read moreSarmat – Determined to Strike Review
After Sarmat’s debut EP surprisingly contained a Pokémon theme cover (and low-key blew my mind in the process), I had high hopes that the full-length would repeat this in a similarly sneaky way. Would other video game themes be covered, possibly similarly obscure ones? Gotta strike ’em all?
Read moreNithing – Agonal Hymns Review
Nithing are a side and solo project by Vitriol’s drummer, Matt Kilner. Nithing could fall into a similar category as that band. That’s it. There’s Nithing more to say.
Read moreTorture Rack – Primeval Onslaught
Torture Rack are in the lineage of bands like Undergang for sure. Their music has a slight hardcore bent and ultimately just revolves around beating people up aurally. Itching for a good beating?
Read moreKalmah – Kalmah Review
It was only during a short stint with a local melodeath band that Scuttlegoat decided to reevaluate his bias towards the melodic death metal and gave Kalmah another chance. Did the Finns convince him?
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