Ever met an Icelandic black metal fan? You know the kind that insists that the origin of a band, despite the advancements in communication technology, fully informs their sound — transforming music into something akin to a champagne than an artistic discipline that can be studied, imitated, and paid homage to. No, of course you haven’t. That’s why you’re hear, ready to read a deathgrind review. Good taste comes to those who grind.
Read moreSavatage – A Retrospective
Are you ready to enter the hall of the mountain king with the fearless Scuttlegoat? Our brave Caprine Captain has decided that the world needs to know everything and then some about Savatage. Aaaaaah!!
Read moreMonument of Misanthropy – Vile Postmortem Irrumatio Review
I don’t know where my fascination with serial killer themed metal comes from. Sure, I had a phase where I was reading up on them obsessively as a teen, before serial killers became an interest of primarily middle aged moms and I became ashamed admitting it. Join Scuttlegoat as he reignites his titillation for Monument of Middle Aged Mom’s!
Read moreGoatreview Summer Break 2024
The Goat Review is taking its well deserved summer break. Activity on the blog will resume on Monday, August 12th. The first half of 2024 […]
Read moreCephalotripsy – Epigenetic Neurogenesis Review
Artistic depth has two possible extremes. One extreme tries to express itself with an increasingly diverse set of stylistic ideas, choosing to portray emotions with whatever musical idea suits them best. The other extreme of artistic depth is the exploration of a single idea from as many angles as possible. Robert Schumann once hammered the same a note on his piano until he went mad, looking for possibly the perfect expression of that one note. Steve Reich explored the shifting of rhythms, creating rhythmic polymeters as dense as they were fascinating. Cephalotripsy slam. And they do it a lot.
Read moreVulvodynia – Entabeni Review
Vulvodynia has built a solid following and reputation, proving that slam could be a gateway for bands from second-world nations, and that brutish, hardcore-inspired violence could be a tool for self-actualization. But sometimes knowing yourself isn’t good enough when all you want to do is punch a drummer.
Read moreDiskord / Atvm – Bipolarities Review
Atvm and Diskord seem to approach the medium of the split with an awareness of its usual pitfalls. Bipolarities is album length and the title hints at the fact that indeed, this is an album of two distinct halves. One band says they play nice together, and the other claims that the first is lying. What’s a Goat to believe?
Read moreRestrictor Plate – SLAMTONA 500 Review
Slam is as simplistic as it gets —barbaric, primitive, and not entirely unproblematic. And we here at Goat Review proudly celebrate these arts with our annual Slamuary tradition. But, we also ask the difficult questions, like should we also be celebrating in July?
Read moreHemorrhoid – Raw Materials of Decay Review
With an album cover consisting of somewhat medically accurate gore and a band pic taken on a venue toilet, we know that Hemorrhoid have no aspirations to do anything high brow or distinguished: Hemorrhoid play goregrind. Goregrind can be tough to review, as often, the genre is not made with the intent to deliver quality. Our Goat knows his brutal, underground scenes, so what sort of extreme pain have Hemorrhoid inflicted?
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