January is a time for resolution, reflection, new beginnings, and SLAM. Join us for Slamuary at The Goat Review to DROP HAMMERS ON 2024.
Read moreCancer Christ – God is Violence Review
In Cancer Christ’s warped denomination, our boys in blue are very much despised by the lord, Jesus legitimizes his war crimes by the size of his genitalia and the death penalty applies mostly to those of the ruling class. Satire has to hurt and Cancer Christ understand this—it is time to take off the velvet gloves. DO YOU WANNA READ A GREAT FUFUFUCKING REVIEW!
Read moreScuttlegoat’s Favorite Albums of 2023
The Goat Review presents an annual special: Scuttlegoat’s Favorite Albums of 2023. Find out what our lord and savior deems worthy.
Read moreJarhead Fertilizer – Carceral Warfare Review
Filth. Filth is to the modern Death Metal fan what atmosphere is to the Black Metal Fan. Often, the sales pitch I get from non-reviewers is that an album is “seriously filthy”. As a descriptor, this helps very little in describing an albums sound, but it is even less conductive in referring to the writing of an album, which I ultimately put more emphasis on as a reviewer than sound. Don’t take a shower yet, you still have to read the review!!
Read moreUndulation – An Unhealthy Interest in Suffering Review
Undulation got cred from the hipster-ish side of the metal internet, and they frankly do check out all the boxes. For a Death Metal Band, they are more emotionally driven and the female vocalist does a lot to sell it. Scuttlegoat has an unhealthy interest in Death Metal.
Read moreWalking Corpse – Our Hands, Your Throat Review
When people say Deathgrind, they can mean many different things. It is a hybrid genre, after all, and it can run the gamut from what is basically punk with growls to relentless, chaotic blasting. Walking Corpse however fit into a third category. Relentlessly supplying riff after riff after riff, they take no prisoners. Their Arms, Our Hearse.
Read moreEmbrace Your Punishment – Made of Stone Review
Slam might be hard to understand for the casual listener, the poseur and the weenie, but it is undeniable that, while the technique on how to Slam is a pretty narrow and well defined spot, there are many roads to Rome. But are those roads made of stone? Embrace Your Punishment!
Read moreSOL – Promethean Sessions Review
The album oscillates between droney soundscapes that come across as somewhat improvised, and more focused gothic-leaning classic Doom. I am not aware of the methodology of improvisation used here, whether there were rules or guidelines, but the droney sections of the album are pleasant and even provide a sense of mental relief. But is this all enough to set Goat’s charts ablaze?
Read morePerky Macabre / SPÖoÖoKY STEVE – Halloween Kills Review
Perky Macabre never changes and has seemingly no desire to. If his music is supposed to be a joke, the literal zero supporters on most of his EP’s suggest that no one finds it particularly funny, either. Maybe that is why I can’t get him out of my head. Perky man, get out of my room!
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