Courtney Gains – Safe Haven Review

Gains claim to fame is mainly being a child or teen actor in the 80s, starring in noteworthy supporting roles in films such as Children of the Corn or Back to the Future. Music is, however, more of a footnote in Gains’ career as his biggest musical claim to fame is that he once played live with Jam outfit Phish. What does Gains’ have to offer and how does it connect to his prior work as an actor? Some Gains, some lose?

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Tomb Mold – The Enduring Spirit Review

What we get on The Enduring Spirit is certifiably fantastic, but I cannot say that I could have foreseen the direction Tomb Mold would take with this album – or that anyone could have, really. This new album utilizes the dichotomy between different textures, tonalities, timbres and moods like I haven´t heard a metal album do in quite a while. Dining on that fine mold.

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Dying Fetus – Make Them Beg For Death Review

“Feast of Ashes”, with probably the best solo on the record, immediately trading moods with the grindiest track on the album, “Throw them in the Van” shows that Dying Fetus still knows how it’s done. That track in particular demonstrates that the band has not forgotten its roots and a quick grinder like that is something the band would’ve likely eschewed on their last two outings. Dying Fetus won’t allow you to become a dying fanboy.

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Acausal Intrusion – Panpsychism Review

Acsual Intrusion seemed initially somewhat interesting. Their style of Dissodeath seemed to have an odd influence from the Brutal Death Metal realm, even if only in the production values, most notably the snare. Nulitas, the debut, was exciting on some level, but it never managed to worm itself into my rotation, and in hindsight, I must admit that the issues being present in this newest album have been foreshadowed right from the start. Homeopathic levels of creativity make Goat a dull boy.

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