That Meanders is a quality record is pretty obvious from the start. Taking and weaving their influences into something cohesive and unique is no small feat. It hits me on an emotional level, but I admit that as a musician myself, there is an intellectual bias to an album like this. Want some Bacon with that?
Read moreHammers of Misfortune – Overtaker Review
Overtaker, true to its name, sports an aggressively overpowering sound. From the first second to the last, it uses unpredictable slithering riffs and intensity to create a chaos that is sure to repel a lot of people, whether they’re used to intense thrash albums or not. Thrashed and overtaken, this Gator lives to tell the tale.
Read moreKEN mode – NULL Review
As a big fan of the direction they took with the closer “No Gentle Art” on Loved (which is also my favourite track on that album), it’s a real treat to see KEN mode continuing writing slow building and slightly lower tempo songs.
Read moreDawnwalker – House of Sand Review
Dawnwalker aren’t trying to show off. Instead, each piece of the puzzle informs the whole of this slow despair-fueled journey into death. Yes, House of Sand is an album of rock songs, but also it’s built of small details and an overwhelming feeling of self inflicted misery. Stare into its windows and be still.
Read moreLocrian – New Catastrophism Review
On first glance New Catastophism could look like a very one note dredging drone release, but if you descend below the surface you’ll find a beautifully textured album with a lot to discover.
Read moreImperial Triumphant – Spirit of Ecstasy Review
Read up on one of the Gator’s first ecstatic journeys into Goat-land.
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