For the past month, all I heard was “Maud the Moth AotY”, counterpointed by the disgust of a certain caprine tyrant at such statements in early February. Suffice to say by the time I actually got to hear The Distaff, my appetite was well and truly whetted.
Is Peat singing praises or sighing into the void?
Wyatt E – Zamāru Ultu Qereb Ziqquratu Part 1 Review
Music for staring balefully at deserts is music for staring balefully at deserts, wherever you are. Yet those Middle Eastern accents are prominent, and so too is a certain stoner drone doom vibe. Wyatt E are wearing a lot of hats here. And it’s glorious.
Read moreUulliata Digir – Uulliata Digir Review
I checked out Uulliata Digir on a whim, one cold Monday evening while half asleep from work. Little of what I was hearing was taken in because of this, but the vocals pierced through the tired mist of my blue-collar existence. Suddenly, Croque woke up.
Read moreMassen – Gentle Brutality Review
A hazard of venturing into deeper waters of dissonance and the more extreme ends of Metal is that these genres have a hard time impressing on that end as they have to balance melody and heaviness. Despite this I still enjoy melody, groove and selectively catchy material but drift away from things that mix in overt aspects of Pop melody. Bands like Massen are instantly fighting an uphill battle for my interest, then. But impressively, this Belarus duo bring some serious skill to the format. Massenive skill.
Read moreThy Catafalque – Alföld Review
Meant to be played from top to bottom, Alföld is like a charred sandwich with savory middle, sticking its most intense moments at the bookends while leaving space for the Progressive and Folk aspects of Thy Catafalque’s sound to shine in the middle. Jó étvágyat!
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