Crypts of the Unknown: Blunt Force Trauma – Vengeance for Nothing

Join us as Scuttlegoat reminisces on Blunt Force Trauma’s 2012 release Vengeance for Nothing. Oh, never heard of it? Well here in the Crypts we specialize in the unknown, the uncelebrated, and the uncovered, no matter how recent or distant. We can’t keep all our dirty little secrets… and believe us when we say that this one is filthy.

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Dying Fetus – Make Them Beg For Death Review

“Feast of Ashes”, with probably the best solo on the record, immediately trading moods with the grindiest track on the album, “Throw them in the Van” shows that Dying Fetus still knows how it’s done. That track in particular demonstrates that the band has not forgotten its roots and a quick grinder like that is something the band would’ve likely eschewed on their last two outings. Dying Fetus won’t allow you to become a dying fanboy.

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