Crypts of the Unknown: Khonsu – The Xun Protectorate

Join us as Metalligator reminisces on Khonsu’s 2016 release The Xun Protectorate. Oh, never heard of it? Well here in the Crypts we specialize in the unknown, the uncelebrated, and the uncovered, no matter how recent or distant. We can’t keep all our dirty little secrets… though we have to admit, it’s easy to keep secrets in the depths of space…

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Death Killer – Total Destruction of the Entire Universe Review

The severely titled Total Destruction of the Entire Universe approaches the genre with a metal mindset somewhat divorced from the industrial metal scene, meaning Death Killer do not sound like an industrial band wanting to do monotone metal, rather a metal band wanting to do weird industrial. Missing out on this album would be a grave mistake.

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