Inksterium has entered a stage in life where every album she takes a keen interest in doubles as a personality test. Case in point: she has recently discovered she doesn’t enjoy being teased. Here at The Goat Review, we serve full frontal postitude. Can you dig it?
Read moreInksterium’s Favorite albums of 2024
The Goat Review presents an annual special: Inksterium’s Favorite Albums of 2024. Find out what our hard-working editor actually enjoyed this year! Except the occasional drinkster.
Read moreThis Week In Metal, 2024 Week 26
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Hemorrhoid, Ulcerate, and Julie Christmas, you can do that too! Yes, that’s right, Christmas in June!
Read moreJulie Christmas – Ridiculous and Full of Blood Review
The raw intensity and emotional depth of Julie Christmas and her sound
with Battle of Mice opened our Inksterium’s ears to a new spectrum of sonic possibilities. And now, fourteen years after her solo debut, Julie Christmas is once again taking our reviewer through a labyrinth of dark and complex textures and feelings. Don’t let that smile fool you though… or maybe let it and grin bloody with Julie Christmas.