Dark Tranquillity – Endtime Signals Review

No band has meant more to me than Dark Tranquillity. Yet somehow I’d have missed the release date of Endtime Signals if friends hadn’t reminded me. Part of that is me living a more complicated life now I’ve grown up. The other part though is that age has simultaneously fractured Dark Tranquillity’s line-up while also ushering in a calmer sound with less wild album to album evolution. They’re not releasing bad albums, but they’re not punishing heavens any more either.

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Vanessa Funke – Remains Review

If you have heard of Vanessa Funke, then you have probably heard of her prodigious productivity. The one woman German melodeath act has released four EPs and three full-lengths in the last three years. It’s the sort of scheduling that leads to skepticism from many. Will her latest release prove disbelievers wrong, or is it all just funky business? Peat ponders.

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