Crypts of the Unknown: Bergraven – Det Framlidna Minnet

Join us as Metalligator reminisces on Bergraven’s 2019 release Det framlidna minnet. Oh, never heard of it? Well here in the Crypts we specialize in the unknown, the uncelebrated, and the uncovered, no matter how recent or distant. We can’t keep all our dirty little secrets… Yeah, these dusty dips may not be perfect, but how would you know?

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Borknagar – Fall Review

Our Gator loves going on long hikes, especially when having the luck of finding a spot unoccupied by people where he can watch nature in its stillness and grandeur. Borknagar at their best manage to catch this feeling in music, if a bit more dramatically, their sound whipping between a raging storm and the calmest forest brook. You just might Fall for it too.

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Ihsahn – IHSAHN Review

At this point, Ihsahn needs little introduction. His work first with Emperor and then as a solo act has established him as one of black metal’s luminaries. His blackened and avant-garde approach to metal on IHSAHN straddles emotions. It’s by turns bombastic, melancholic, tense and angry—an excellent example of why Ihsahn is such a big deal.

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