Unto Others – Never, Neverland Review

Unto Others have put out their third full length effort – Never, Neverland, a title that immediately brings an uneasy connotation by reminding me of Metallica and their self titled album. You could say that it’s a subtle telegraphing of the direction Unto Others have taken with this album, as more than half the songs lean toward the softer side of their style. Here’s hoping they’re just trying out a never groove.

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Pyrrhon – Exhaust Review

“…Fuck man, I just wanna go home” vocalist Doug Moore lambasts on “The Greatest City on Earth.” Thematically, Exhaust channels the most pissed-off version of Pyrrhon into a thirty-eight minute record, a record made by people broken down by the ever-growing financial strains of living in their home of New York City. What’s the deal with inflation anyway?

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