Fleshbore don’t reinvent anything on Painted Paradise, instead sticking to the tried-and-trve formula of machine-gun blasts, rapid-fire vocals, and riffs for days. Who needs a revamp when the wheel is ablaze?
Read moreOthaliël – Ectrülhys Review
For the first time since the Pandora’s box of Esoctrilihum opened, project mastermind Asthâghul created a side project. Othaliël is the folk-tinged fever dream parallel to Esoctrilihum’s metal-induced psychosis. You could call it a folk in the road.
Read moreUrfeind – Dauþalaikaz Review
Today on the chopping block: Urfeind, with third album Dauþalaikaz. Urfeind are new to me, yet I try to approach any new thing with an open mind, and I can appreciate a good slab of pagan black metal, so long as it’s done correctly. Is this my new obsession, or is Dauþalaikaz yet another of the countless black metal albums not worthy of your time and attention?
Read moreMutagenic Host – The Diseased Machine Review
It’s a brand new year. The sun’s shining, birds are chirping, and – wait, what’s that smell? A new pile of stinky hardcore-infused death metal, of course. Mutagenic Host, after releasing one demo, lurch back onto the scene nearly five years later with their debut full length The Diseased Machine. So, are your playlists ready to fire this machine up and see what spits out?
Read morePatriarkh – Prorok Ilja Review
For the uninitiated, this band’s original name was Batushka, or at least vocalist Bartłomiej Krysiuk tried to claim it was. But after a legal battle for the rights to the name Batushka, Krysiuk lost and was forced to rename his incarnation of Batushka. But he didn’t name it Bartushka. You might just like Prorok Ilja anyway!
Read moreCosmo’s Favorite Albums of 2024
The Goat Review presents an annual special: Cosmo’s Favorite Albums of 2024. Find out what made his eggplant ecstatic this year!
Read moreMandroïd of Krypton – Cosmic Sarcophagus Review
Part of the joy of being a music reviewer is discovering new bands, because any new band could be your new favorite act. Are Mandroïd of Krypton one of the next greats, or should this sarcophagus be left to drift aimlessly throughout space?
Read moreGigan – Anomalous Abstractigate Infinitessimus Review
Gigan have crafted one hell of a technical death metal album, with an extra emphasis on technical riff craft and song composition, rather than a flurry of notes flung the listener’s way in a masturbatory ode to self-excess. More brain, less bludgeon.
Read moreBlack Curse – Burning in Celestial Poison Review
Black Curse had huge shoes to fill with sophomore album Burning in Celestial Poison, as the sophomore hump is the true test for bands to prove that they’re not a once-and-done affair. Thankfully, Burning in Celestial Poison not only surpasses the hump, but makes every other war metal album released this year appear as threatening as pool noodles in terms of sheer aggression and vitriol. So grab your pool noodles, we’re going to war!
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