The term “avant-garde” gets thrown around a lot in music whenever a band releases something even slightly off-kilter. The reality is, however, that only a handful of bands actually meet that mark, and do it well — but do newcomers Malconfort have the necessary skills?
Read moreSear Bliss – Heavenly Down Review
There is space for many more brass instruments in metal. We have violins galore and keys by the score but not enough brass. Happily, Sear Bliss understand this. That’s why they have a trombonist. Come, everyone, let’s look at Anti-Peat’s tromboner.
Read moreRestrictor Plate – SLAMTONA 500 Review
Slam is as simplistic as it gets —barbaric, primitive, and not entirely unproblematic. And we here at Goat Review proudly celebrate these arts with our annual Slamuary tradition. But, we also ask the difficult questions, like should we also be celebrating in July?
Read moreThis Week In Metal, 2024 Week 26
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Hemorrhoid, Ulcerate, and Julie Christmas, you can do that too! Yes, that’s right, Christmas in June!
Read moreJulie Christmas – Ridiculous and Full of Blood Review
The raw intensity and emotional depth of Julie Christmas and her sound
with Battle of Mice opened our Inksterium’s ears to a new spectrum of sonic possibilities. And now, fourteen years after her solo debut, Julie Christmas is once again taking our reviewer through a labyrinth of dark and complex textures and feelings. Don’t let that smile fool you though… or maybe let it and grin bloody with Julie Christmas.
Hemorrhoid – Raw Materials of Decay Review
With an album cover consisting of somewhat medically accurate gore and a band pic taken on a venue toilet, we know that Hemorrhoid have no aspirations to do anything high brow or distinguished: Hemorrhoid play goregrind. Goregrind can be tough to review, as often, the genre is not made with the intent to deliver quality. Our Goat knows his brutal, underground scenes, so what sort of extreme pain have Hemorrhoid inflicted?
Read moreUlcerate – Cutting the Throat of God Review
Stylistic shifts present issues for bands and can be great when they work. Unfortunately, some bands miss the mark entirely. Ulcerate is one such band who had a drastic style change. But you know what they say, if you’ve tempted the Gods with change, all you gotta do is cut their throats.
Read moreThis Week In Metal, 2024 Week 25
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Malignancy, Matrass, and Mythologik, you can do that too! This week is brought to you by the letter M.
Read moreMythologik – Blood in the Sky Review
Texan duo Mythologik proclaim that Blood in the Sky features a mix of melodic blackened death metal musical tendencies with aggressive/soaring vocals like 80s thrash metal. And you know what, these Texans have some of those 80s thrash metal tendencies in the music too. We reckon, anyway. Grab the thrash bull by the horns!
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