Borknagar – Fall Review

Our Gator loves going on long hikes, especially when having the luck of finding a spot unoccupied by people where he can watch nature in its stillness and grandeur. Borknagar at their best manage to catch this feeling in music, if a bit more dramatically, their sound whipping between a raging storm and the calmest forest brook. You just might Fall for it too.

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Ihsahn – IHSAHN Review

At this point, Ihsahn needs little introduction. His work first with Emperor and then as a solo act has established him as one of black metal’s luminaries. His blackened and avant-garde approach to metal on IHSAHN straddles emotions. It’s by turns bombastic, melancholic, tense and angry—an excellent example of why Ihsahn is such a big deal.

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Apogean – Cyberstrictive Review

Wasting no time with an intro piece, this album kicks off with “Bluelight Sonata”, which does a good job showcasing what Apogean does correctly: hooky, catchy riffs. Unlike their contemporaries in the tech death scene, this band focuses more on writing riffs than writing wanksterpieces. But is that enough to get a high score from the eggplant bat?

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