Spooktober Pairing! Impaled vs Yuzna and Gordon

We here at The Goat Review embrace both the spooky in sound and in picture. Today, our own Scuttlegoat and Transcendental Goose Boss steps forward to recommend you an album from the wild, splattery death metal side, Death After Life (by Impaled), and a classic of splatstick sexual deviance, Re-Animator (by Stuart Gordon and Brian Yuzna). Partake in one or both or neither, just know that Death After Life and Re-Animator promise that there’s more to the end than a mouthful of dirt…

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Ataraxie – Le Declín Review

Extreme metal can take many forms. But in this time of ours where acts try to out-Flanderize each other — essentially extremity fitting into the mold of extremity to be extreme — there is less and less that can actually be considered extreme. Ataraxie present their vision of funeral doom as a no-frills, heavily death metal inspired affair. It may be slow, but will it rush to the top of you doom metal essentials?

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Dawnwalker – The Unknowing Review

While previous Dawnwalker albums have explored the realms of “post” and prog, The Unknowing shifts into a more enigmatic and spectral realm. Norgate’s vocals, guitar and keys intertwine with an eclectic mix of contributions, discreet elements like the flute which give it a faint Jethro Tull vibe without ever feeling derivative. Call. Forth. The jazz flute. And adventure into the unknown.

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