Onirophagus – Revelations From The Void Review

In hindsight, I should have paid more attention to the album cover. Paolo Girardi has represented the void’s revelations as being all eyes, tendrils, and what I believe is referred to in these parts as “patented space-bunghole”. It hints at a band going for a big, disturbing sound more than what is commonly remembered from the 90s doom-death scene. Never judge a void by its cover.

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Vale of Pnath – Between the Worlds of Life and Death Review

The band that pops your metaphorical cherry on a genre and introduces you to the pleasures it can offer is a special one. Vale of Pnath is that band for me, being the ones to get me into technical death metal. Now they return with their third album Between the Worlds of Life and Death. Has the cherry stayed sweet, or have Vale of Pnath fallen into the pits of mediocrity?

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