I was pretty excited when Vorga’s sophomore album was announced. Sporting another stellar cover art by Adam Burke, it looked to be a direct continuation of their debut. However, it seems that along the way, there were a few mishaps. Will their new output pale in comparison?
Read moreHadit – Metaphysical Engines Approaching the Event Horizon Review
When it comes to blackened death metal, a band needs to stand out from the rest of the crowd if it’s going to impress people given how saturated the subgenre has become in recent years. Enter Hadit. Will this Italian band travel far, or be swallowed by the blackened death metal hole?
Read moreDrowned – Procul His Review
Drowned play a blend of primarily death metal mixed with some doom metal elements that wouldn’t sound out of place on a Spectral Voice or a Mortiferum album. But how does this all come together? Semi-drowned?
Read moreThe Lion’s Daughter – Bath House Review
Bath House is a rawer experience that leans less on the synths, although they are still there – meaner, producing uneasy sounds that often recalls a wounded animal whining out its pain in the distance. The mood the combined elements strike is overall good and there are some hefty highlights here and there. Will Croque throw this album out with the bath water?
Read moreWarcrab – The Howling Silence Review
The Howling Silence is definitely very easy to listen to. The material grooves and very little about it is inoffensive. Safe to say, this Warcrab will not leave you shell-shocked.
Read moreCannibal Corpse – Chaos Horrific Review
While most of the band seems to just deliver about the bare minimum, George “Corpsegrinder” Fisher’s minimum is still higher than what most vocalists deliver. Fisher is not the flashiest vocalist and has a certain tone he sticks with, but it is his delivery and phrasing as a kind of master of ceremony that elevates some songs. Enjoyment horrific?
Read moreÔros Kaù – Thanatos Review
Right off the bat, the album opens with riffs that are meant to evoke the listener into a state of trance-like meditation. Album highlights include “Marbas” and “Dawn of the Red Scorpio”, two tracks that really emphasize the moments where this project excels: mixing furious Black Metal and ritualistic chant-singing that gets layered over the growls for a unique and welcome experience. Be careful not to get trapped in the trem-like… I mean trance-like state.
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