Infecting the Swarm – Pulsing Coalescence Review

Infecting the Swarm claims to make music for fans of Disentomb, Defeated Sanity and Euphoric Defilement. Neither Disentomb nor Defeated Sanity comparisons apply fully. Rather, I feel the best comparison is likely Spain’s Wormed, whose dissonant, almost machine-like Brutal Death Metal approaches texture in a Brutal Death Metal context similarly to how Infecting the Swarm do it.

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Thy Darkened Shade – Liber Lvcifer II: Mahaprala Review

Ritualistic Black Metal. An instant turn-on for some, an instant “eww, gross” from others. For me, it’s one of my favorite aspects of what Black Metal can be. Thy Darkened Shade has opened its doors once again (after 8 years of nothing save for some splits) with the second part of the grand trilogy Liber Lvcifer. Is it a worthy followup to its predecessor?

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