I don’t know where my fascination with serial killer themed metal comes from. Sure, I had a phase where I was reading up on them obsessively as a teen, before serial killers became an interest of primarily middle aged moms and I became ashamed admitting it. Join Scuttlegoat as he reignites his titillation for Monument of Middle Aged Mom’s!
Read moreNarzissus – Akt III: Erlösung Review
Metalligator had no clue what to expect when looking at the odd album cover for Akt III: Erlösung. Some kind of raw black metal produced into harsh noise? Austrian one-man act Narzissus turns out to be a neighbor of that genre: melodic black metal, but not any kind of meloblack. Anti-Nazi meloblack. Yeah, that’s right. Fuck Nazis, no disclaimer here!
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