The Goat once waxed poetically about the challenges of wearing your influences on your sleeve a little too much. One potential offender, Fabricant, overcame this issue by adjusting for the time that had passed, imagining a Demilich that never stopped making music and took in new ideas without ever losing track of who they were. Fathomless Ritual is a Demilich worship band as well and similarly don’t feel like a total ripoff. Even still, do they do more than just play riffs like lesser gods?
Read moreThis Week In Metal, 2024 Week 7
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Chapel of Disease, Death Killer, Eternal Storm, Vægtløs, and Everdying, you can do that too!
Read moreEternal Storm – A Giant Bound to Fall Review
This Gator was instantly apprehensive, but curious to see if Eternal Storm have improved their writing. Starting out with the aptly named “An Abyss of Unreason”, the band puts its longest foot forward with an almost 14 minute long track. Is a Gator bound to fall?
Read moreChapel of Disease – Echoes of Light Review
If the only way metal can innovate is to stop being metal altogether, it will go the same way as mainstream rock—it will die. Chapel of Disease are not Imagine Dragons of course. OR ARE THEY?
Read moreThis Week In Metal, 2024 Week 6
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Madder Mortem, Dissimulator, Spiritual Deception, Spectral Voice, Vitriol, and Drowned, you can do that too!
Read moreDrowned – Procul His Review
Drowned play a blend of primarily death metal mixed with some doom metal elements that wouldn’t sound out of place on a Spectral Voice or a Mortiferum album. But how does this all come together? Semi-drowned?
Read moreVitriol – Suffer & Become Review
I wasn’t too impressed with Vitriol’s debut full length in 2019, as it lacked memorable songwriting, and the production sounded off. The glow-up this band has had in the nearly five years since has been immense, as the sophomore album not only defies the dreaded sophomore slump, but kicks it to the ground, punches it in the face, and kicks it a couple more times for good measure. Suffer & Read This Review & Become.
Read moreThis Week In Metal, 2024 Week 4
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Cognizance, Narzissus, The Oldest House, Resin Tomb, and Junta, you can do that too!
Read moreResin Tomb – Cerebral Purgatory Review
What’s the result when you combine a dash of sludge metal, a cup of death metal, a pinch of hardcore, and a tablespoon of grind? Resin Tomb—some of the stompiest deathgrind this side of the Pacific Ocean. Order now and it comes with a free slotted spoon!
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