For all the talented people involved in Grand Cadaver (featuring members from Dark Tranquility and Katatonia, among other bands), their mission statement is simple: to write Death Metal songs that are conceived spontaneously and quickly, letting their passion for the music guide the way. Grand Cadaver are anything but sleepy.
Read moreThis Week in Metal, 2023 Week 34
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Deitus, Horrendous, Tongues, The Night Eternal, Mizmor, or 夢遊病者, you can do that too!
Read moreTongues – Formløse Stjerner Review
Tongues hits many taste centers with uncanny precision. From salty waves of Doom riffs echoing on the back half to spicy Death Metal outbursts to the sour and dramatic tremolo riffs of Black Metal… Tongues has licks. Taste the black metal.
Read moreHorrendous – Ontological Mysterium Review
Rather than being a clear evolution, Ontological Mysterium comes off as a gross mutation. The album cover preemptively states this as the three skinless faces of Horrendous’ logo have merged into something altogether darker. Red is the new black.
Read moreGateway – Galgendood Review
Atmosphere. The way metalheads use the word sends shivers down my spine and immediately, I associate it with lazy, repetitive writing and unnecessary amounts of reverb. Gateway to the atmo-sphere?
Read moreSarmat – Determined to Strike Review
After Sarmat’s debut EP surprisingly contained a Pokémon theme cover (and low-key blew my mind in the process), I had high hopes that the full-length would repeat this in a similarly sneaky way. Would other video game themes be covered, possibly similarly obscure ones? Gotta strike ’em all?
Read moreNithing – Agonal Hymns Review
Nithing are a side and solo project by Vitriol’s drummer, Matt Kilner. Nithing could fall into a similar category as that band. That’s it. There’s Nithing more to say.
Read moreTorture Rack – Primeval Onslaught
Torture Rack are in the lineage of bands like Undergang for sure. Their music has a slight hardcore bent and ultimately just revolves around beating people up aurally. Itching for a good beating?
Read moreGaroted – Bewitchment of the Dark Ages Review
Garoted was a completely unknown band to me prior to listening to their newest album, and I’m glad I picked this up. Featured prominently on […]
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