Danish deathmongers Phrenelith have unleashed a monstrous slab of death metal with Ashen Womb, an album that immediately engulfs the listener in its suffocating atmosphere. From the opening moments, Phrenelith’s dense, unrelenting sound conjures the spirit of Immolation, bombarding my senses with a massive wall of sound. This womb is made for rockin’.
Read moreIotunn – Kinship Review
Access All Worlds, Iotunn’s first full-length release, took the Gator’s top spot back in 2021. While in hindsight, he may choose different these days, Aldará’s vocals are in part the anchor that makes Access All Worlds remarkable to the Gator, as the music leaves a lot of room for him to insert melodrama and meaning to the often grand sounding riffs. But will Kinship remain in kissing favor with our favorite reptilian?
Read moreHyperdontia – Harvest of Malevolence Review
There’s a bear on the loose in Goat Review HQ, and we tried to tease him out by tossing Hyperdontia’s newest record out toward the woods. It worked, but he came back with a review. Guess it didn’t sink its teeth in…
Read moreDemersal – Demersal Review
We are unsure whether the Danish heavy music scene is having a moment or if our Inksterium feels heavily targeted based purely on an LLNN love. Regardless, Demersal is here and doesn’t adhere to hardcore conventions. Kollapse is imminent.
Read moreMother of All – Global Parasitic Leviathan Review
Mother of All mastermind Martin Haumann didn’t have Steve DiGiorgio’s (Testament) services for Global Parasitic Leviathan, and men who write weird albums tend to switch sounds quickly.
So which mother are we to listen to this time?
Vægtløs – Aftryk Review
With their debut, Aftryk, Danish band Vægtløs promise a mix of power and delicacy, grip and release, packed within four tracks that comfortably traverse the realms of black metal, post metal, and post rock. And though its namesake translates to “imprint,” does Aftryk do enough for you to remember its cause?
Read moreSOL – Promethean Sessions Review
The album oscillates between droney soundscapes that come across as somewhat improvised, and more focused gothic-leaning classic Doom. I am not aware of the methodology of improvisation used here, whether there were rules or guidelines, but the droney sections of the album are pleasant and even provide a sense of mental relief. But is this all enough to set Goat’s charts ablaze?
Read moreMyrkur – Spine Review
The elitist uproar about Myrkur’s debut was intense and a bit ridiculous, as even if the album is bad or not, it did manage to do enough to be called Metal. As in answer to this, Myrkur decided to prove all the naysayers right by transitioning into Folk songs on her subsequent albums. As Spine arrives, we should focus on what is important here: is Spine any good? Or is it spineless?
Read moreUndergang – De syv stadier af fordærv Review
This short release contains seven prime cuts of Undergang, clocking in at a tight 21 minutes. If you’ve listened to this band before, specifically Misantropologi, then this EP feels like a direct continuation of that album. Take a listen, don’t let the meat spoil.
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