Onirophagus – Revelations From The Void Review

In hindsight, I should have paid more attention to the album cover. Paolo Girardi has represented the void’s revelations as being all eyes, tendrils, and what I believe is referred to in these parts as “patented space-bunghole”. It hints at a band going for a big, disturbing sound more than what is commonly remembered from the 90s doom-death scene. Never judge a void by its cover.

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Ataraxie – Le Declín Review

Extreme metal can take many forms. But in this time of ours where acts try to out-Flanderize each other — essentially extremity fitting into the mold of extremity to be extreme — there is less and less that can actually be considered extreme. Ataraxie present their vision of funeral doom as a no-frills, heavily death metal inspired affair. It may be slow, but will it rush to the top of you doom metal essentials?

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