Feind – Ambulante Hirnamputation Review

Ever met an Icelandic black metal fan? You know the kind that insists that the origin of a band, despite the advancements in communication technology, fully informs their sound — transforming music into something akin to a champagne than an artistic discipline that can be studied, imitated, and paid homage to. No, of course you haven’t. That’s why you’re hear, ready to read a deathgrind review. Good taste comes to those who grind.

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Jarhead Fertilizer – Carceral Warfare Review

Filth. Filth is to the modern Death Metal fan what atmosphere is to the Black Metal Fan. Often, the sales pitch I get from non-reviewers is that an album is “seriously filthy”. As a descriptor, this helps very little in describing an albums sound, but it is even less conductive in referring to the writing of an album, which I ultimately put more emphasis on as a reviewer than sound. Don’t take a shower yet, you still have to read the review!!

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