Incipient Chaos – Incipient Chaos Review

Playing a no-frills approach to black metal, Incipient Chaos has the potential to become a refreshing, venerable force in the scene beset by cheap, middling melodic black metal and bad raw black metal that people attempt to convince others is good. And, thankfully, their eponymous debut delivers the goods and brings a fresh batch of fast, mean black metal. Well, so says the Cosmo anyway…

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Thanatotherion – Alien Manifesto Review

Thanatotherion may be an unknown band, but the main brain power behind this project, Ominous Droning, has also made a name as Shelby Lermo of Ulthar. But it was clear from the start that Alien Manifesto wasn’t going to be a journey through space, but rather a direct confrontation with a monster. Lions and tigers and Bobo bears and one man black metal, oh my! Ok, ok, it’s blackened thrash. Trust us, it makes a difference.

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Venomous Echoes – Split Formations and Infinite Mania Review

Morbid Angel, Howls of Ebb, Esoctrilihum, Portal and Ulthar all are imitated during individual sections of Split Formations And Infinite Mania and Venomous Echoes usually do so in a tasteful manner, straddling the line between inspiration and pastiche overall rather successfully. I have heard all of this better elsewhere, but the combination and variety is pleasant, even at the risk of turning into needle drop death metal.

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