Join us as Scuttlegoat reminisces on Blunt Force Trauma’s 2012 release Vengeance for Nothing. Oh, never heard of it? Well here in the Crypts we specialize in the unknown, the uncelebrated, and the uncovered, no matter how recent or distant. We can’t keep all our dirty little secrets… and believe us when we say that this one is filthy.
Read more夢遊病者 (Sleepwalker) – Skopofoboexoskelett Review
Skopofoboexoskelett (or Snufferdoodle as some folks call it) is an exercise in absurdity that is layered in a pulsating amount of chaos before giving way to a hypnotic end. *Eggplant emoji*.
Read moreChurch of Misery – Born Under a Mad Sign Review
Church of Misery eschew the drug obsessed and occult lyrics of most stoner acts, instead focusing on serial killers, cult leaders and general psychopathy. It helps color the music. Stoned serial killers
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