Blood Oath – Lost in an Eternal Silence Review

Opening with a trippy, almost psychedelic intro, Blood Oath admittedly take their time in getting the listener hooked. With what is essentially an intro track, “Beyond the Dimensional Gates” does a good job in setting up the stage for the rest of the album rather than impress with technical prowess that the remaining tracks do. Can Cosmo be saved from a dry-pants-September?

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Courtney Gains – Safe Haven Review

Gains claim to fame is mainly being a child or teen actor in the 80s, starring in noteworthy supporting roles in films such as Children of the Corn or Back to the Future. Music is, however, more of a footnote in Gains’ career as his biggest musical claim to fame is that he once played live with Jam outfit Phish. What does Gains’ have to offer and how does it connect to his prior work as an actor? Some Gains, some lose?

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Alkaloid – Numen Review

Alkaloid have not changed much of their formula of Morbid Angel meets Yes in 2023. New to the mix is a slight push towards Heavy Metal leads that crop up here and there, as seen in “A Fool’s Desire” that opens with some acoustics recalling Caprae Idolum’s Matches EP before mixing and matching Heavy Metal with Death Metal outbursts. It doesn’t have any viola da gamba though.

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