Mutagenic Host – The Diseased Machine Review

It’s a brand new year. The sun’s shining, birds are chirping, and – wait, what’s that smell? A new pile of stinky hardcore-infused death metal, of course. Mutagenic Host, after releasing one demo, lurch back onto the scene nearly five years later with their debut full length The Diseased Machine. So, are your playlists ready to fire this machine up and see what spits out?

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The Halo Effect – March of the Unheard Review

Stretching beyond melodeath’s greatest works is a long tail of releases that are banal, toothless, or some combination thereof. In theory, The Halo Effect’s roster of In Flames alumni fronted by Dark Tranquillity’s Mikael Stanne is great news for people hoping for more gems. But if you can hear their riffs from a mile away, how can their march be so silent?

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Onirophagus – Revelations From The Void Review

In hindsight, I should have paid more attention to the album cover. Paolo Girardi has represented the void’s revelations as being all eyes, tendrils, and what I believe is referred to in these parts as “patented space-bunghole”. It hints at a band going for a big, disturbing sound more than what is commonly remembered from the 90s doom-death scene. Never judge a void by its cover.

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This Week In Metal, 2024 Week 50

Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Ulver, Thy Catafalque, Mandroïd of Krypton, Sergeant Thunderhoof, Stenched, Pillar of Light, Moss Upon the Skull, and Lord Sin. A blowout offering for the last weekly circular of 2024!!

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Thy Catafalque – XII: A gyönyörü álmok ezután jönnek Review

With a long and spicy Hungarian title, XII: A gyönyörü álmok ezután jönnek is by all counts a folk album. It uses folk music as a basis for its rhythms in bright and airy compositions, filled with a large variety of vocals. It’s also a metal album, which is what it presents as at first with the heaviest compositions landing in the first third of the album.

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