Compulsive Trance, after all, is a god damn mess. But in this frenzy of mouth noises that might have lyrical poignance, Ixias manages to find a careful, if not readily obvious, flow between tension and release. Our Being of Extreme Punctiation tells us about his love for trance. Wait what?
Read moreSacrenoir – Comme des Revenants Parmi les Ruines Review
Touted by the label as being a mix of various second wave bands, such as Darkthrone and Gorgoroth, this is an album that promises a throwback to the 90s with its icy style of black metal. It seems that 30 years on, the ice has melted.
Read moreSerpent of Old – Ensemble Under the Dark Sun Review
Transcending Obscurity certainly knows how to sign and release quality Black Metal. This year alone has seen high tier stuff from Decipher and Burial Hordes. Now, Serpent of Old looks to join that pantheon. A brand new band from Turkey, their debut album Ensemble Under the Dark Sun promises long form excellence, if the promo sheet is to be believed. These sheets can be deceiving, though. Does this snake slither its way to success or does it end up eating its tail instead?
Read moreKing Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard – PetroDragonic Apocalypse; or, Dawn of Eternal Night: An Annihilation of Planet Earth and the Beginning of Merciless Damnation Review
At times this album sounds like what White Zombie or Ministry might have produced had they tried to make a modern Heavy Metal album. Apocalyptic? The title is, at least.
Read moreOromet – Oromet Review
Running along to canon-ball the already big pile of Doom albums is Oromet, with their grand debut that seemingly came out of nowhere. Starting things off with a 22 minute song that sounds like an expanded version of Pallbearer’s style on their debut album Sorrow and Extinction, this band show that they are equally adapt at making such long songs. Slow motion cannon-balled.
Read morePutridity – Greedy Gory Gluttony Review
BDM as a genre is less of a monolith than most people think and there are nuances, and it is perfectly possible that the style of BDM that Putridity play doesn’t really connect with me all that much. This new EP, Greedy Gory Gluttony, is supposed to be a stroll through the past and showcase some of the best material Putridity have to offer. Not Greedy Gory and Gluttonous enough for this Goat?
Read moreGateway – Galgendood Review
Atmosphere. The way metalheads use the word sends shivers down my spine and immediately, I associate it with lazy, repetitive writing and unnecessary amounts of reverb. Gateway to the atmo-sphere?
Read moreWilt – Huginn Review
5 years later, they are back with third “full length” Huginn. Their specific blend of atmospheric black metal captivated me, so I was fairly excited for this one. Wilted expectations.
Read moreS.U.P – OCTA Review
OCTA is an odd mix of cleanly sung choruses and industrial metal riffs. Occasionally a doom metal riff or death metal moment will barge into the songs to great effect. A tale of estranged family?
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