As our resident expert for everything death, tech, and brutal, will Scuttlegoat be the easiest candidate for reviewing an album that he knows he won’t enjoy? Or is that kind of masochism only reserved for a certain black metal loving bat? Will this be The Last of Scuttlegoat or will he transcend into Godform?
Read moreInter Arma – New Heaven Review
Since diving into their body of work, fantastic experiments like the one-song prog excursion The Cavern speak of a restless band with a thirst for exploring. Both the hazy desert feel of Sulphur English and the at times show-off nature of The Cavern are important to New Heaven, as it turns out. New Heaven shocks from its first seconds by throwing its most dissonant foot forward in a jarring and feverish outburst. Welcome to dissoheaven.
Read moreCouch Slut – You Could Do It Tonight Review
Couch Slut built their reputation on shocking violence, both sonically and lyrically. Join Alice F. as they navigate You Could Do It Tonight’s short, simplistic noise rock/sludge songs—that make you want to smash your head into a wall.
Read moreCastle Rat – Into the Realm Review
I was sceptical of Castle Rat at first. For an indie band, the marketing seemed just a tad too purposeful and calculated. The band just nailed what makes a classic doom metal fan tick, with the lo-fi VHS style music videos, the hokey image and the sound in general. What happens when a Rat and a Goat enter the dungeon crawl?
Read moreNuclear Tomb – Terror Labyrinthian Review
To get my thrash kick, I often have to look outside the genre to albums that merge a thrash influence into the band’s work, such as with Paladin, Hammers of Misfortune or Vektor. Not to be forgotten, Voivod were way ahead of the game in this regard, and they are relevant to newcomers Nuclear Tomb in just how much this band looks backward. Is our Gator looking forward to a good dose of atomic riffage?
Read moreFull of Hell – Coagulated Bliss Review
This version of Full of Hell is more committed to one interpretation of their sound than before. This is the type of sound that some reviewers might be tempted to call “matured”. That phrase is usually a hack word for a reviewer so he can sell the idea to you that a band doing less is somehow good. But our Goat’s no hack and he’s got a lust for grind…
Read moreBongripper – Empty Review
Something draws our Goat to Bongripper. Something in his hooves demands revisiting their work and only with deep rooted meditation (sometimes with the aid of the very same herb that Bongripper seem to enjoy indulging in) can he find the reason why: it’s not weed. Or is it? Either way, the forecast is hazy.
Read moreVeriteras – The Dark Horizon
Half of Veriteras’ sound is very like Dissection with vicious yet hummable tremolo melodies layered over double-bass abuse. The other half owes more to the stated influences of early In Flames and Kalmah. But does that mean you half to enjoy it? Well if you like melodeath…
Read moreLocrian – End Terrain Review
The post rock and post black metal landscape is one that I’ve often had trouble exploring because of its barren conformity and over-reliance on distant peaks. With my preference for active music, the reaching for crescendos across large distances carry very little appeal, yet Locrian speak to me in a subtly textured voice. Bring on the post-itivity!
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