I’m convinced that Vindsval, the figure behind peerless enigmatic Black Metal entity Blut aus Nord, picks which styles they want the next BaN album to sound on a whim. On any album, the listener could face beautiful Atmospheric or Melodic Black Metal, such as on one of the Memoria Vetusta albums or 2019’s Hallucinogen. Always bet on black.
Read more夢遊病者 (Sleepwalker) – Skopofoboexoskelett Review
Skopofoboexoskelett (or Snufferdoodle as some folks call it) is an exercise in absurdity that is layered in a pulsating amount of chaos before giving way to a hypnotic end. *Eggplant emoji*.
Read moreMiserere Luminis – Ordalie Review
So how do Miserere Luminis compare to other bands in this largely meandering, long-winded style of metal? Cosmo sorts out what’s what in the land of the kvlt.
Read moreSacrenoir – Comme des Revenants Parmi les Ruines Review
Touted by the label as being a mix of various second wave bands, such as Darkthrone and Gorgoroth, this is an album that promises a throwback to the 90s with its icy style of black metal. It seems that 30 years on, the ice has melted.
Read moreSerpent of Old – Ensemble Under the Dark Sun Review
Transcending Obscurity certainly knows how to sign and release quality Black Metal. This year alone has seen high tier stuff from Decipher and Burial Hordes. Now, Serpent of Old looks to join that pantheon. A brand new band from Turkey, their debut album Ensemble Under the Dark Sun promises long form excellence, if the promo sheet is to be believed. These sheets can be deceiving, though. Does this snake slither its way to success or does it end up eating its tail instead?
Read moreWilt – Huginn Review
5 years later, they are back with third “full length” Huginn. Their specific blend of atmospheric black metal captivated me, so I was fairly excited for this one. Wilted expectations.
Read moreArkona – Kob’ Review
Arkona’s 2018 album Khram really impressed Cosmo. Now, five years later, they return with Kob’. Can they impress the easily impressed Cosmo again?
Read moreGaroted – Bewitchment of the Dark Ages Review
Garoted was a completely unknown band to me prior to listening to their newest album, and I’m glad I picked this up. Featured prominently on […]
Read moreVide – The Parish Review
An anonymous one person black metal band (haven’t seen one of these before) from Louisiana, Vide self-describes their style as “Raw Post Black Metal”. Normally […]
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