Tomb Mold – The Enduring Spirit Review

What we get on The Enduring Spirit is certifiably fantastic, but I cannot say that I could have foreseen the direction Tomb Mold would take with this album – or that anyone could have, really. This new album utilizes the dichotomy between different textures, tonalities, timbres and moods like I haven´t heard a metal album do in quite a while. Dining on that fine mold.

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Ôros Kaù – Thanatos Review

Right off the bat, the album opens with riffs that are meant to evoke the listener into a state of trance-like meditation. Album highlights include “Marbas” and “Dawn of the Red Scorpio”, two tracks that really emphasize the moments where this project excels: mixing furious Black Metal and ritualistic chant-singing that gets layered over the growls for a unique and welcome experience. Be careful not to get trapped in the trem-like… I mean trance-like state.

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Bekor Qilish – The Flesh Of A New God Review

The songs on The Flesh of a New God cycle through ideas like Blackened Death Metal à la Veilburner coupled with desperately hopeful synths that evoke Angelo Badalamenti, Jazz Fusion bits that recall their label mates Sarmat and Afterbirth-like left-field digressions into uplifting melodies. Voidhanger knows how to pick ’em this year. Now if just Billie Eilish would answer their call for a Bekor Qilish feat Billie Eilish collab…

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Sylosis – A Sign of Things to Come Review

Metalcore was always present in Sylosis’ concoction of genres but it always tilted more towards the older Hardcore leaning bands. Opening song “Deadwood” is like an autostereogram of small amounts of Dyscarnate stomp and shouted Slipknot vocals that gradually come into focus in a Linkin Park refrain. But in the end, does it even matter? Find out in this review…

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