The death metal chugging bear has decided to stay at Goat Review, Welcome to our new writer Bobo Dupla! There’s so much death metal to devour and so little time, next in line is Punished by Nemesis by Stress Angel.
Read moreThis Week In Metal, 2024 Week 33
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Mayhemic, Vanessa Funke, and Monument of Misanthropy, you can do that too!
Read moreMonument of Misanthropy – Vile Postmortem Irrumatio Review
I don’t know where my fascination with serial killer themed metal comes from. Sure, I had a phase where I was reading up on them obsessively as a teen, before serial killers became an interest of primarily middle aged moms and I became ashamed admitting it. Join Scuttlegoat as he reignites his titillation for Monument of Middle Aged Mom’s!
Read moreVanessa Funke – Void Review
Funke writes and writes. It almost makes the album name Void quite ironic as that’s the opposite of her discography. However, it is an apt fit for the melancholic tone she often adopts for her work. Last time around I wanted more of that bleak, sad goodness in Funke’s work. Will she fill that Void?
Read moreMayhemic – Toba Review
In yet another tale of a metal subgenre rapidly stagnating, blackened thrash finds itself needing revitalizing. But where there’s a riff, there’s a way.
Read moreThis Week In Metal, 2024 Week 30
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Sumac, Ceremony of Silence, and Cephalotripsy, you can do that too!
Read moreCephalotripsy – Epigenetic Neurogenesis Review
Artistic depth has two possible extremes. One extreme tries to express itself with an increasingly diverse set of stylistic ideas, choosing to portray emotions with whatever musical idea suits them best. The other extreme of artistic depth is the exploration of a single idea from as many angles as possible. Robert Schumann once hammered the same a note on his piano until he went mad, looking for possibly the perfect expression of that one note. Steve Reich explored the shifting of rhythms, creating rhythmic polymeters as dense as they were fascinating. Cephalotripsy slam. And they do it a lot.
Read moreCeremony of Silence – Halios Review
Opening with a swarm of discordant riffs on “Primaeval Sacrifice”, the listener must adapt to Halios’ rapidly advancing tide or give in to the swallow of the maelstrom. Formerly a duo, Ceremony of Silence has now become a trio. And combined with a sleeker, fuller production, Halios sounds a lot more polished and a lot more mean than 2019’s Outis ever could.
Read moreSumac – The Healer Review
Brian Cook’s bass rumbles intently along in “Yellow Dawn”, Aaron Turner’s howls and screeching guitar solos are caustic, and Nick Yacyshyn’s drums regularly steal the show with powerfully precise hits. Sounds like our alligator is hungry for some SUMAC.
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