This Week In Metal, 2024 Week 50

Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Ulver, Thy Catafalque, Mandroïd of Krypton, Sergeant Thunderhoof, Stenched, Pillar of Light, Moss Upon the Skull, and Lord Sin. A blowout offering for the last weekly circular of 2024!!

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Thy Catafalque – XII: A gyönyörü álmok ezután jönnek Review

With a long and spicy Hungarian title, XII: A gyönyörü álmok ezután jönnek is by all counts a folk album. It uses folk music as a basis for its rhythms in bright and airy compositions, filled with a large variety of vocals. It’s also a metal album, which is what it presents as at first with the heaviest compositions landing in the first third of the album.

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Moss Upon the Skull – Quest for the Secret Fire Review

Psychedelic death metal, to put it bluntly, lacks a strong definition. Often the genre is aesthetically dependent or rooted in how many Gilmourisms the guitarist deploys per solo. No matter how wet the reverb, nor how boomer the bends, these two approaches miss the fundamental underpinning of psychedelic music. But what if the riffs were really, really dank?

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