Some albums require the help from a friend. The harrowing dissonance and existential deathly throes of Ingurgitating Oblivion’s newest offering required such assistance from a mysterious figure named Scoopmeister…. which all begs the question, who up Ingurgitatin’ they Oblivion?
Read moreEsoctrilihum – Döth-Derniàlh Review
Another year, another new Esoctrilihum album. At this point, it could be considered an annual occurrence, since Asthâghul, the only person behind this project, has released an album every year since 2017, sometimes pumping out two a year. Esocthrilledium?
Read moreThis Week In Metal, 2024 Week 39
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Kanonenfieber and Unto Others, you can do that too! Off to neva nevalaaaand!
Read moreUnto Others – Never, Neverland Review
Unto Others have put out their third full length effort – Never, Neverland, a title that immediately brings an uneasy connotation by reminding me of Metallica and their self titled album. You could say that it’s a subtle telegraphing of the direction Unto Others have taken with this album, as more than half the songs lean toward the softer side of their style. Here’s hoping they’re just trying out a never groove.
Read moreKanonenfieber – Die Urkatastrophe Review
Kanonenfieber barely qualify for the blackened death metal moniker. Their interpretation of war is one of pathos, bittersweet glory, and they express it in a matter both melodic and anthemic. And they sound surprisingly similar to Amon Amarth. Nothing like a good Viking raid in the trenches.
Read moreThis Week In Metal, 2024 Week 38
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Vomitrot, Emasculator, Wraithfyre, and Pyrrhon, you can do that too!
Read morePyrrhon – Exhaust Review
“…Fuck man, I just wanna go home” vocalist Doug Moore lambasts on “The Greatest City on Earth.” Thematically, Exhaust channels the most pissed-off version of Pyrrhon into a thirty-eight minute record, a record made by people broken down by the ever-growing financial strains of living in their home of New York City. What’s the deal with inflation anyway?
Read moreWraithfyre – Of Fell Peaks and Haunted Chasms Review
One look at the giant purple tower on the cover of Wraithfyre’s Of Fell Peaks and Haunted Chasms was enough to let Peat know that this had to be frostbitten 90s melodic black metal and it had to be solid – an icy touch enough to peak your interest too, perhaps.
Read moreEmasculator – The Disfigured and the Divine Review
Too often does an “all girl band” make that statement their main marketing gimmick. Labels too then are quick to jump on the train and defeat the emancipatory value that the tag can hold. But Emasculator? They’ve got a grip on this whole death metal thing. Rock out with your… um… head off?
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