Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from HØLLS, Häxkapell, Tormentor Tyrant, and Urfeind, you can do that too!
Read moreTormentor Tyrant – Excessive Escalation of Cruelty Review
I would describe Tormentor Tyrant as a more restless Deicide that are more willing to fly off their mid-paced rails into red rage swings for your face. In short, expect Excessive Escalation of Cruelty to hit with the exact vibe that its album cover screams with its red dead rage as several faces of death metal history blend together.
Read moreUrfeind – Dauþalaikaz Review
Today on the chopping block: Urfeind, with third album Dauþalaikaz. Urfeind are new to me, yet I try to approach any new thing with an open mind, and I can appreciate a good slab of pagan black metal, so long as it’s done correctly. Is this my new obsession, or is Dauþalaikaz yet another of the countless black metal albums not worthy of your time and attention?
Read moreHäxkapell – Om jordens blod och urgravens grepp Review
Häxkapell leans into a sound that is unmistakably Scandinavian. But Om jordens blod och urgravens grepp is also a black metal album that pays attention to making most of the trek through this earthy forest path memorable. Can its sadboi chords cast a spell on you?
Read moreHØLLS – ILL
Inksterium has entered a stage in life where every album she takes a keen interest in doubles as a personality test. Case in point: she has recently discovered she doesn’t enjoy being teased. Here at The Goat Review, we serve full frontal postitude. Can you dig it?
Read moreThis Week In Metal, 2025 Week 5
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Putred, Wyatt E, Besna, and Uuliata Digir, you can do that, too!
Read moreWyatt E – Zamāru Ultu Qereb Ziqquratu Part 1 Review
Music for staring balefully at deserts is music for staring balefully at deserts, wherever you are. Yet those Middle Eastern accents are prominent, and so too is a certain stoner drone doom vibe. Wyatt E are wearing a lot of hats here. And it’s glorious.
Read more$LAMUARY 2025 – Week 4
January is a time for resolution, reflection, new beginnings, and SLAM. Join us for Slamuary at The Goat Review to DROP HAMMERS ON 2025! IT’S THE FINAL SLAM DOWN!
Read moreUulliata Digir – Uulliata Digir Review
I checked out Uulliata Digir on a whim, one cold Monday evening while half asleep from work. Little of what I was hearing was taken in because of this, but the vocals pierced through the tired mist of my blue-collar existence. Suddenly, Croque woke up.
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