What about Pentagram has ever been “Lightning in a Bottle”? Pentagram are, fundamentally, the first all-American Sabbath rip-off. Given, Pentagram were early adopters, releasing singles all throughout the ’70s even if the first full-length only materialized in the mid-’80s. Being early is not always a good thing. Good thing lightning in a bottle strikes exactly when it needs to. Like a wizard. That’s how that works, right?
Read moreUlver – Liminal Animals Review
The opener on Liminal Animals sounds like a statement of fatigue in its lyrics: repeated words from previous songs, the nature of sound as “Moving objects / The music they make” all the while distinct eras of Ulver clash in intuitively written songs.
Read moreCarnosus – Wormtales Review
In the spirit of broadening my horizons I decided to dip my toes into melodeath waters. While I am not a huge fan of the genre, there are some standout albums I like. Unfortunately, Bobo found out the melo waters were a lot less worm than expected the hard way.
Read moreSwallow the Sun – Shining Review
The deathly doom metal of Swallow the Sun used to be offset with moments of cold beauty and increasingly pop oriented vocal lines, that still managed to feel like a fresh breath visible in the chill air. This has been turned on its head on Shining, a move that in hindsight was well telegraphed over the last two albums the band put out.
Read moreMorticide – Death Cannot Hold Those with Purpose… Review
The call of fresh blood persists, and a new voice from beyond the mortal veil has risen to cast judgement on that which whelms neither of the over or under variety. But can the untested figure out how one kills death?
Read moreEvilyn – Mondestrunken Review
How would a painter handle sound? Pretty damn well, it turns out. Mondestunken’s most defining feature is Alex Weber’s bass, a dynamic center-point which leads the songs on a drunken stroll, calling to mind the style of Aseitas or perhaps even the jazzy all out war of Sarmat’s debut album with its technical dissonance. But for all its flash, does it have its own style?
Read moreMalconfort – Humanism Review
The term “avant-garde” gets thrown around a lot in music whenever a band releases something even slightly off-kilter. The reality is, however, that only a handful of bands actually meet that mark, and do it well — but do newcomers Malconfort have the necessary skills?
Read moreRestrictor Plate – SLAMTONA 500 Review
Slam is as simplistic as it gets —barbaric, primitive, and not entirely unproblematic. And we here at Goat Review proudly celebrate these arts with our annual Slamuary tradition. But, we also ask the difficult questions, like should we also be celebrating in July?
Read moreHemorrhoid – Raw Materials of Decay Review
With an album cover consisting of somewhat medically accurate gore and a band pic taken on a venue toilet, we know that Hemorrhoid have no aspirations to do anything high brow or distinguished: Hemorrhoid play goregrind. Goregrind can be tough to review, as often, the genre is not made with the intent to deliver quality. Our Goat knows his brutal, underground scenes, so what sort of extreme pain have Hemorrhoid inflicted?
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