Pentagram – Lightning in a Bottle Review

What about Pentagram has ever been “Lightning in a Bottle”? Pentagram are, fundamentally, the first all-American Sabbath rip-off. Given, Pentagram were early adopters, releasing singles all throughout the ’70s even if the first full-length only materialized in the mid-’80s. Being early is not always a good thing. Good thing lightning in a bottle strikes exactly when it needs to. Like a wizard. That’s how that works, right?

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Hemorrhoid – Raw Materials of Decay Review

With an album cover consisting of somewhat medically accurate gore and a band pic taken on a venue toilet, we know that Hemorrhoid have no aspirations to do anything high brow or distinguished: Hemorrhoid play goregrind. Goregrind can be tough to review, as often, the genre is not made with the intent to deliver quality. Our Goat knows his brutal, underground scenes, so what sort of extreme pain have Hemorrhoid inflicted?

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