Slam is as simplistic as it gets —barbaric, primitive, and not entirely unproblematic. And we here at Goat Review proudly celebrate these arts with our annual Slamuary tradition. But, we also ask the difficult questions, like should we also be celebrating in July?
Read moreHemorrhoid – Raw Materials of Decay Review
With an album cover consisting of somewhat medically accurate gore and a band pic taken on a venue toilet, we know that Hemorrhoid have no aspirations to do anything high brow or distinguished: Hemorrhoid play goregrind. Goregrind can be tough to review, as often, the genre is not made with the intent to deliver quality. Our Goat knows his brutal, underground scenes, so what sort of extreme pain have Hemorrhoid inflicted?
Read moreMythologik – Blood in the Sky Review
Texan duo Mythologik proclaim that Blood in the Sky features a mix of melodic blackened death metal musical tendencies with aggressive/soaring vocals like 80s thrash metal. And you know what, these Texans have some of those 80s thrash metal tendencies in the music too. We reckon, anyway. Grab the thrash bull by the horns!
Read moreHyperdontia – Harvest of Malevolence Review
There’s a bear on the loose in Goat Review HQ, and we tried to tease him out by tossing Hyperdontia’s newest record out toward the woods. It worked, but he came back with a review. Guess it didn’t sink its teeth in…
Read moreThanatotherion – Alien Manifesto Review
Thanatotherion may be an unknown band, but the main brain power behind this project, Ominous Droning, has also made a name as Shelby Lermo of Ulthar. But it was clear from the start that Alien Manifesto wasn’t going to be a journey through space, but rather a direct confrontation with a monster. Lions and tigers and Bobo bears and one man black metal, oh my! Ok, ok, it’s blackened thrash. Trust us, it makes a difference.
Read moreDarkthrone – It Beckons Us All……. Review
Metalligator likes A Blaze in the Northern Sky as much as the next reptile or person (Transilvanian who-now?), but with the opinion that Darkthrone albums are always hit or miss, despite their charm, will it really beckon the gator?
Read moreThe Last of Lucy – Godform Review
As our resident expert for everything death, tech, and brutal, will Scuttlegoat be the easiest candidate for reviewing an album that he knows he won’t enjoy? Or is that kind of masochism only reserved for a certain black metal loving bat? Will this be The Last of Scuttlegoat or will he transcend into Godform?
Read moreCrawl – Altar of Disgust Review
Having listened to an obscene amount of death metal, a lot of it including Swedeath over the years, I’ve reached a point in my metal journey where I see a new Swedeath album and groan, because it’s most likely going to be another band beating an extremely dead horse. Dead horses makes Cosmo mad!
Read moreMaere – …and the Universe Keeps Silent Review
The best works of dissonant avant-garde metal shed the harmonic framework of power chords, blues scales and chord-scale approaches to soloing to explore something else. Maere, however, do not manage the feat of deconstruction, an approach that, after the old structures have broken down, needs something additional in the new space. That is to say, the fancy prance of a young buck isn’t always enough to sway our Goat.
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