Leprous – Melodies of Atonement Review

For the better part of a decade, Leprous have become something of a parody of themselves. Increasingly pop-leaning and focusing on Einar Solberg’s voice, the band started to leave behind their once progressive writing somewhere between 2015’s The Congregation and 2017’s Malina. But when Melodies of Atonement arrives with an album cover and preview tracks that carry shades of their early work… well the road to atonement is loOOoooOOoooOooong.

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Cephalotripsy – Epigenetic Neurogenesis Review

Artistic depth has two possible extremes. One extreme tries to express itself with an increasingly diverse set of stylistic ideas, choosing to portray emotions with whatever musical idea suits them best. The other extreme of artistic depth is the exploration of a single idea from as many angles as possible. Robert Schumann once hammered the same a note on his piano until he went mad, looking for possibly the perfect expression of that one note. Steve Reich explored the shifting of rhythms, creating rhythmic polymeters as dense as they were fascinating. Cephalotripsy slam. And they do it a lot.

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Cell Press – Cages Review

At the time of this review, Alice has sat and listened to Cages for about half the year, searching for the right words to say. At this album’s best, you can hear the makings of something special — a band that deserves the stardom and headliner status that contemporary luminaries. And at its worst? Well, they say no press is bad press…

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