Are you impatient when it comes to finding new albums at the start of a new year? To be fair, we haven’t gotten particularly far into 2024—but out of everything that has passed through my ears so far, post-hardcore release Quatro Vientos // Cinco Soles has come the closest to scratching that new-music-itch. Quatro comezóns // Cinco rascadors.
Read moreNarzissus – Akt III: Erlösung Review
Metalligator had no clue what to expect when looking at the odd album cover for Akt III: Erlösung. Some kind of raw black metal produced into harsh noise? Austrian one-man act Narzissus turns out to be a neighbor of that genre: melodic black metal, but not any kind of meloblack. Anti-Nazi meloblack. Yeah, that’s right. Fuck Nazis, no disclaimer here!
Read moreCancer Christ – God is Violence Review
In Cancer Christ’s warped denomination, our boys in blue are very much despised by the lord, Jesus legitimizes his war crimes by the size of his genitalia and the death penalty applies mostly to those of the ruling class. Satire has to hurt and Cancer Christ understand this—it is time to take off the velvet gloves. DO YOU WANNA READ A GREAT FUFUFUCKING REVIEW!
Read moreSlow – Abîmes I Review
Funeral Doom Metal and minimalism go together like Nutella and toast. As a genre of music that forces you to pay attention to the ever-so-slow subtle details, most metalheads will turn away from this niche of a niche. But metalheads don’t turn away from Nutella and toast. Click through to receive a discount code for your next purchase of Nutella products. No, this is not sponsored content… right?
Read moreVarathron – The Crimson Temple Review
The factor that sets Varathron apart from other bands playing a similar style is the catchy, fun sound they give the listener. It’s hard not to pump your fist at “Immortalis Regnum Diaboli”. The Crimson Temple has opened its doors for the faithful. It’s up to you if you choose to worship at this altar or not. The Varathron Witnesses are knocking at your door.
Read moreDead Times – Dead Times Review
This self titled release is decidedly mood based, as it makes use of droning beats and looping synths that sound like calm organ-led melodies to evoke a facsimile of Devotional music. Industrialized devotion.
Read moreExulansis – Overtures of Uprising Review
Doom isn’t for everyone. Nor is Doom that includes copious amount of chamber-influenced violin, rough ‘n’ tumble Blackened sprints, and sadperson, melodic crooning. But that’s exactly the overflowing platter of existential exploration that Oregon’s Exulansis deliver with Overtures of Uprising. Rise and eat up.
Read moreNeurectomy – Overwrought Review
Tech Death used to be an arms race of dishing out what some might consider too many notes in too little time. Nowadays a lot of Tech Death has lost that aspect in what I suspect is a pursuit of greener (read: more profitable) pastures and a style of Tech that is basically a heightened form of melodic Death Metal seems to be the norm. Neurectomy make an attempt at reviving this classic style of Tech Death. Overwrought or overwritten?
Read moreAutarkh – Emergent Review
Emergent turns inward and outward at the same time. The beats and glitches take on an Industrial character and serve the story more than before. I am no longer disappointed but genuinely intrigued. Emergent quality.
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