Autopsy have a new album and it is time for The Goat to, yet again, praise the band for doing the things he would criticize other acts for. Autopsy sticks to what they know, but with Ashes, Organs, Blood and Crypts coming out barely a year after their last, should The Goat be concerned? Well there are guts in his teeth…
Read moreWayfarer – American Gothic Review
Atmosphere in Wayfarer’s world is a consequence of understanding the history of the genres they decided to meld, rather than relying on samples or insisting on flavor where there is none, like so many Black Metal artists tend to do. Take a sip of American Gothic.
Read moreCirith Ungol – Dark Parade Review
The Dark Parade has the ideal kind of throwback production. The album feels organic, warm but natural. The worst tendencies of retro producers – too much reverb and artificially roughing up the production – are mostly eschewed. RAISE YOUR SWORD!
Read moreAfterbirth – In But Not Of Review
The Post-Metal influence is dialed up a bit and the band again reaches into what I would call Relaxing Death Metal territory (RXDM is a term me and a colleague have made up to describe Death Metal that plays around with relaxing atmospheres and major key playing at the same time as being heavy, think bands like Sweven, Gold Spire and in part, this year’s Tomb Mold). But is In But Not Of in?
Read moreStortregn – Finitude Review
Stortregn produced my favorite record of 2021. Impermanence stands as what most Tech Death, and even fewer Melodic Death, Metal bands could not achieve—a Progressive album without using any of the tropes of the genre, forming instead full songs of smaller themes and motifs. I couldn’t tell you what the album was about—the cover art displaying Girardi’s patented space-bunghole lost all meaning years ago—but I surely felt it, on an emotional and intellectual level alike. Drink deeply of death metal and cosmic anus.
Read moreShining – SHINING Review
Depressive explorations of death is nothing new for Shining, but there lies a somber feeling over SHINING that is hard to miss: the growing isolation of age and eventual death of everything you know. A shining example of depressive extreme metal.
Read moreBlood Oath – Lost in an Eternal Silence Review
Opening with a trippy, almost psychedelic intro, Blood Oath admittedly take their time in getting the listener hooked. With what is essentially an intro track, “Beyond the Dimensional Gates” does a good job in setting up the stage for the rest of the album rather than impress with technical prowess that the remaining tracks do. Can Cosmo be saved from a dry-pants-September?
Read moreAltarage – Worst Case Scenario Review
Altarage have shifted the focus of their formula a bit more towards the War Metal and Grindcore aspects previously present in their work. There is some furious riffing here, that is overwhelming in one moment and commandingly grooving in the next. Best case scenario?
Read moreBekor Qilish – The Flesh Of A New God Review
The songs on The Flesh of a New God cycle through ideas like Blackened Death Metal à la Veilburner coupled with desperately hopeful synths that evoke Angelo Badalamenti, Jazz Fusion bits that recall their label mates Sarmat and Afterbirth-like left-field digressions into uplifting melodies. Voidhanger knows how to pick ’em this year. Now if just Billie Eilish would answer their call for a Bekor Qilish feat Billie Eilish collab…
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