The Goat Review presents an annual special: the year in review of death metal 2023. Your time is precious. We did the listening for you!
Read moreThis Week in Metal, 2023 Week 41
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Stortregn, Baring Teeth, Afterbirth, Manbryne, and Vertebra Atlantis, you can do that too!
Read moreAfterbirth – In But Not Of Review
The Post-Metal influence is dialed up a bit and the band again reaches into what I would call Relaxing Death Metal territory (RXDM is a term me and a colleague have made up to describe Death Metal that plays around with relaxing atmospheres and major key playing at the same time as being heavy, think bands like Sweven, Gold Spire and in part, this year’s Tomb Mold). But is In But Not Of in?
Read moreBekor Qilish – The Flesh Of A New God Review
The songs on The Flesh of a New God cycle through ideas like Blackened Death Metal à la Veilburner coupled with desperately hopeful synths that evoke Angelo Badalamenti, Jazz Fusion bits that recall their label mates Sarmat and Afterbirth-like left-field digressions into uplifting melodies. Voidhanger knows how to pick ’em this year. Now if just Billie Eilish would answer their call for a Bekor Qilish feat Billie Eilish collab…
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