Anhedonia clearly stretches the black metal genre tag a very long way. Yes, you can hear practices inherited from black metal bands in Lord Agheros’ work, but they’re all quite divorced from the traditional framework. Yet without using that genre tag, without expressing a desire to belong to that movement, I’d have maybe missed this and that’d have been a shame.
Read moreAnnus in Cvltus – The Year in Black Metal 2024
The Goat Review presents an annual special: the year in review of black metal 2024. Your time is precious. We did the listening for you! Have a good squeeze if you please.
Read moreThis Week In Metal, 2024 Week 28
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Black Hole Deity, Diskord / Atvm, and Liminal Shroud, you can do that too!
Read moreLiminal Shroud – Visions of Collapse Review
Peat counts himself an atmoblack fan but at the same time, believes there are a lot of bands that prove the haters right. It’s a tough style to get right. That’s why the intro of Liminal Shroud’s Visions of Collapse filled him with hope and fear at the same time. As the curtain falls, what will your vision be?
Read moreSear Bliss – Heavenly Down Review
There is space for many more brass instruments in metal. We have violins galore and keys by the score but not enough brass. Happily, Sear Bliss understand this. That’s why they have a trombonist. Come, everyone, let’s look at Anti-Peat’s tromboner.
Read moreGig Report: Wolves in the Throne Room – EartH Hall London, 31 May 2024
Inkster reluctantly left the venue when the gig ended, wishing to have stayed for a few more songs, and dreading the journey back home. Find out what makes reality dissolve if only for a short while in this timely gig report.
Read moreEden’s Decay – Innerfeind Review
I picked out Eden’s Decay because it sounded suitably dramatic and moody. I prepared myself to be underwhelmed, and hit play. From the first notes of Innerfeind though, I knew I had something—probably because it doesn’t sound much like what most people call melodeath. Perhaps sometimes blossoms spring from decay.
Read moreMiserere Luminis – Ordalie Review
So how do Miserere Luminis compare to other bands in this largely meandering, long-winded style of metal? Cosmo sorts out what’s what in the land of the kvlt.
Read moreWilt – Huginn Review
5 years later, they are back with third “full length” Huginn. Their specific blend of atmospheric black metal captivated me, so I was fairly excited for this one. Wilted expectations.
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