Music for staring balefully at deserts is music for staring balefully at deserts, wherever you are. Yet those Middle Eastern accents are prominent, and so too is a certain stoner drone doom vibe. Wyatt E are wearing a lot of hats here. And it’s glorious.
Read moreAcathexis – Immerse Review
For those going into Immerse and expecting a riff-driven black metal album, prepare to be disappointed. Acathexis has a unique sound that sets them apart from other black metal bands—a crushing, comforting cocoon of bleakness that completely and utterly envelops the listener. Explosively meditative for black metal bats?
Read moreSlow – Abîmes I Review
Funeral Doom Metal and minimalism go together like Nutella and toast. As a genre of music that forces you to pay attention to the ever-so-slow subtle details, most metalheads will turn away from this niche of a niche. But metalheads don’t turn away from Nutella and toast. Click through to receive a discount code for your next purchase of Nutella products. No, this is not sponsored content… right?
Read moreÔros Kaù – Thanatos Review
Right off the bat, the album opens with riffs that are meant to evoke the listener into a state of trance-like meditation. Album highlights include “Marbas” and “Dawn of the Red Scorpio”, two tracks that really emphasize the moments where this project excels: mixing furious Black Metal and ritualistic chant-singing that gets layered over the growls for a unique and welcome experience. Be careful not to get trapped in the trem-like… I mean trance-like state.
Read moreGateway – Galgendood Review
Atmosphere. The way metalheads use the word sends shivers down my spine and immediately, I associate it with lazy, repetitive writing and unnecessary amounts of reverb. Gateway to the atmo-sphere?
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