Ôros Kaù – Thanatos Review

Right off the bat, the album opens with riffs that are meant to evoke the listener into a state of trance-like meditation. Album highlights include “Marbas” and “Dawn of the Red Scorpio”, two tracks that really emphasize the moments where this project excels: mixing furious Black Metal and ritualistic chant-singing that gets layered over the growls for a unique and welcome experience. Be careful not to get trapped in the trem-like… I mean trance-like state.

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Mizmor – Prosaic Review

A.L.N has until now built a fascinating tool-set of sounds with his Blackened Doom Drone project Mizmor. Albums like Cairn and Yodh stand out as unique for their ability to mix genres that one could think should be at odds with each other. Though the loss of faith has fueled these journeys, should we still place our faith in Mizmor?

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