Dying Fetus – Make Them Beg For Death Review

“Feast of Ashes”, with probably the best solo on the record, immediately trading moods with the grindiest track on the album, “Throw them in the Van” shows that Dying Fetus still knows how it’s done. That track in particular demonstrates that the band has not forgotten its roots and a quick grinder like that is something the band would’ve likely eschewed on their last two outings. Dying Fetus won’t allow you to become a dying fanboy.

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Putridity – Greedy Gory Gluttony Review

BDM as a genre is less of a monolith than most people think and there are nuances, and it is perfectly possible that the style of BDM that Putridity play doesn’t really connect with me all that much. This new EP, Greedy Gory Gluttony, is supposed to be a stroll through the past and showcase some of the best material Putridity have to offer. Not Greedy Gory and Gluttonous enough for this Goat?

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Dehumanizing Itatrain Worship – Otakuslam♡Animecide Review

Most slam acts neither make any attempt at actually sounding good nor serve up anything listenable on purpose, aiming to induce cringe in the listener. Dehumanizing Itatrain Worship sticks out from the crowd by actually making not only listenable, but enjoyable Slam and doing it in a way where the irony enhances the experience, injecting Japanese Idol music and Anime samples into their Brutal Death Blend. Goat can’t tell you where the samples come from though… at least that’s what he says…

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Infecting the Swarm – Pulsing Coalescence Review

Infecting the Swarm claims to make music for fans of Disentomb, Defeated Sanity and Euphoric Defilement. Neither Disentomb nor Defeated Sanity comparisons apply fully. Rather, I feel the best comparison is likely Spain’s Wormed, whose dissonant, almost machine-like Brutal Death Metal approaches texture in a Brutal Death Metal context similarly to how Infecting the Swarm do it.

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