So, who are Saevus Finis? With members sporting names like Sangvis Aestvs, it’s hard to say. What do they play? The promo sheet mentions, effectively, “if you like death metal, you’ll like these guys”—noting Immolation, Incantation, Morbid Angel, Viande, and Maere as touch-stones. New year, new you: resolve to like death metal, damnit.
Read moreSulfuric Hatred – Sulfuric Hatred Review
Formed last year by Undeath vocalist Alexander Jones and Liam McMahon, Sulfuric Hatred try to establish a sense of identity in the swamp of other War Metal bands by adding dash of stompy Hardcore to their potent concoction. This most extreme sect of Black/Death Metal is one of the most tricky to navigate due to an obscenely large amount of far-right leaning or otherwise disclaimer-worthy bands. Luckily, Sulfuric Hatred is not one of these. We reserve the disclaimers for the black metal bands.
Read moreJarhead Fertilizer – Carceral Warfare Review
Filth. Filth is to the modern Death Metal fan what atmosphere is to the Black Metal Fan. Often, the sales pitch I get from non-reviewers is that an album is “seriously filthy”. As a descriptor, this helps very little in describing an albums sound, but it is even less conductive in referring to the writing of an album, which I ultimately put more emphasis on as a reviewer than sound. Don’t take a shower yet, you still have to read the review!!
Read moreSublation – On the Advancement of Decay Review
The guitar solos in “Born Out of a Whim” and “Like a Fire That Consumes All Before It” are very fun and inject an extra bit of “oomph” into the songs that would be devoid of substance without them. On the advancement of OOMPH!
Read moreUndulation – An Unhealthy Interest in Suffering Review
Undulation got cred from the hipster-ish side of the metal internet, and they frankly do check out all the boxes. For a Death Metal Band, they are more emotionally driven and the female vocalist does a lot to sell it. Scuttlegoat has an unhealthy interest in Death Metal.
Read moreThis Week In Metal, 2023 Week 44
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Autopsy, Suffocation, Autarkh, Lower 13, and Plague Rider, you can do that too!
Read moreAutopsy – Ashes, Organs, Blood and Crypts Review
Autopsy have a new album and it is time for The Goat to, yet again, praise the band for doing the things he would criticize other acts for. Autopsy sticks to what they know, but with Ashes, Organs, Blood and Crypts coming out barely a year after their last, should The Goat be concerned? Well there are guts in his teeth…
Read moreThe Week In Metal, 2023 Week 43
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Obsidian Tide, Wayfarer, Dungeon Wolf, Xoth, and Warcrab, you can do that too!
Read moreWarcrab – The Howling Silence Review
The Howling Silence is definitely very easy to listen to. The material grooves and very little about it is inoffensive. Safe to say, this Warcrab will not leave you shell-shocked.
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