Polar Veil caught my attention simply by breaking the ice with distorted guitar in its first preview track. Hexvessel has used this before (and its members are no strangers to Metal), but Blackened Doom Metal was really not something I expected to hear from these guys. Not just another Black Metal Monday.
Read moreThis Week in Metal, 2023 Week 36
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Acausal Intrusion, Dying Fetus, THORN, Gridlink, Sylosis, and Wyrgher, you can do that too!
Read moreTHORN – Evergloom Review
Peering behind the intricate layering of instruments, different reverbs and generally murky production is often a band whose sound appears barbaric and violent. Evergloom indeed gets much better as it goes along and THORN has a good grasp of when to pull back the murk from time to time. Every thorn has its glee.
Read moreThis Week in Metal, 2023 Week 34
Another week, another round of metal reviews in the bag. Words are tough, so we assembled the highlights. And if you want to read the latest reviews for the new offerings from Deitus, Horrendous, Tongues, The Night Eternal, Mizmor, or 夢遊病者, you can do that too!
Read moreMizmor – Prosaic Review
A.L.N has until now built a fascinating tool-set of sounds with his Blackened Doom Drone project Mizmor. Albums like Cairn and Yodh stand out as unique for their ability to mix genres that one could think should be at odds with each other. Though the loss of faith has fueled these journeys, should we still place our faith in Mizmor?
Read moreTongues – Formløse Stjerner Review
Tongues hits many taste centers with uncanny precision. From salty waves of Doom riffs echoing on the back half to spicy Death Metal outbursts to the sour and dramatic tremolo riffs of Black Metal… Tongues has licks. Taste the black metal.
Read moreGateway – Galgendood Review
Atmosphere. The way metalheads use the word sends shivers down my spine and immediately, I associate it with lazy, repetitive writing and unnecessary amounts of reverb. Gateway to the atmo-sphere?
Read moreInherus – Beholden Review
“In her what-!?” – exclaims a bewildered Gator.
Read moreSlumbering Sun – The Ever-Living Fire Review
Many people do not connect with Doom Metal and even those that do are often in stark disagreement about which bands are good and why. It is hard to make this connection come about and sometimes, it just won’t happen. Let’s hope this fire burns bright enough to light that special spark.
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