Urfeind – Dau​þ​alaikaz Review

Today on the chopping block: Urfeind, with third album Dau​þ​alaikaz. Urfeind are new to me, yet I try to approach any new thing with an open mind, and I can appreciate a good slab of pagan black metal, so long as it’s done correctly. Is this my new obsession, or is Dau​þ​alaikaz yet another of the countless black metal albums not worthy of your time and attention? 

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Alkaloid – Numen Review

Alkaloid have not changed much of their formula of Morbid Angel meets Yes in 2023. New to the mix is a slight push towards Heavy Metal leads that crop up here and there, as seen in “A Fool’s Desire” that opens with some acoustics recalling Caprae Idolum’s Matches EP before mixing and matching Heavy Metal with Death Metal outbursts. It doesn’t have any viola da gamba though.

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