Today on the chopping block: Urfeind, with third album Dauþalaikaz. Urfeind are new to me, yet I try to approach any new thing with an open mind, and I can appreciate a good slab of pagan black metal, so long as it’s done correctly. Is this my new obsession, or is Dauþalaikaz yet another of the countless black metal albums not worthy of your time and attention?
Read moreIngurgitating Oblivion – Ontology of Nought Review
Some albums require the help from a friend. The harrowing dissonance and existential deathly throes of Ingurgitating Oblivion’s newest offering required such assistance from a mysterious figure named Scoopmeister…. which all begs the question, who up Ingurgitatin’ they Oblivion?
Read moreMalconfort – Humanism Review
The term “avant-garde” gets thrown around a lot in music whenever a band releases something even slightly off-kilter. The reality is, however, that only a handful of bands actually meet that mark, and do it well — but do newcomers Malconfort have the necessary skills?
Read moreAlkaloid – Numen Review
Alkaloid have not changed much of their formula of Morbid Angel meets Yes in 2023. New to the mix is a slight push towards Heavy Metal leads that crop up here and there, as seen in “A Fool’s Desire” that opens with some acoustics recalling Caprae Idolum’s Matches EP before mixing and matching Heavy Metal with Death Metal outbursts. It doesn’t have any viola da gamba though.
Read moreSarmat – Determined to Strike Review
After Sarmat’s debut EP surprisingly contained a Pokémon theme cover (and low-key blew my mind in the process), I had high hopes that the full-length would repeat this in a similarly sneaky way. Would other video game themes be covered, possibly similarly obscure ones? Gotta strike ’em all?
Read moreSarmat – Dubious Disk Review
Dubious Disk is a curious case of an EP. A lot of what I read in the blurb I find hard to believe and in revisiting this album multiple times, more and more surprising things came to light. So, did our Goat solve this EP’s mystery?
Read moreImperial Triumphant – Spirit of Ecstasy Review
Read up on one of the Gator’s first ecstatic journeys into Goat-land.
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